Yesterday was a gym day so me and the boys got up , got dressed and had breakfast. I did what i said i would never do and dressed the boys alike *snickers*. They looked so damn handsome so mommy made them take a picture together!!! After that off to the gym it was...
We got to the gym and I took the boys to the daycare. Ben had a small meltdown but he survived. I worked my butt off and got all nice and sweaty. I went to grab the boys and Ben was playing nicely with a little girl there. He saw me and screamed "MOMMY!!!! you done work now!!!" It was so cute! We leave and get all strapped in the car and ben gets his snack to eat on the way home.
I'm super excited I have the weekend off from the gym... see my super excited expression...
We get home and it's lunch time so Ben and I make PB&J sammiches. He likes to help and does a pretty good job of it.
So we all eat lunch and watch tooneys. I think Joshua is a little upset that he doesn't get any "real food" but he drinks his bottle anyway.

After lunch it's off to the PX we go. I had to pick up a few things and we weren't there that long so both boys behaved. Yay me!!!

We get home and it's lunch time so Ben and I make PB&J sammiches. He likes to help and does a pretty good job of it.
After lunch it's off to the PX we go. I had to pick up a few things and we weren't there that long so both boys behaved. Yay me!!!
Since Benjamin was so well behaved we stopped at BK and he got some apple fries and chicken nuggets. Once again Joshua isn't too thrilled that brother gets to eat "real" food *hehe*. Benjamin finishes his apple fries and then I'm pretty sure he hid his chicken nuggets in random places because I kept finding him eating them later in the evening.

Later on me and Joshua are playing on the couch and Benjamin is playing around with toys. I'm trying to get a good photo of Joshua smiling but the little turd quits smiling every time I click the picture. grrrrrr. Benjamin comes up to us with his toy dog on his head and says " oh no mommy where's my puppy?!" This was hilarious to me... but then again i have an odd sense of humor.. I guess it was one of those 'you had to be there' things. So I tell him its on his head. and we do this over and over for about a half an hour, yea super exciting I know!

After all the pictures of Joshua I took I did get a funny one that looks like he has a tooth. He really doesn't, it's just a reflection off of his gums but it's still a cute picture. Dang my kiddos are cute!!!!

I also attempt to get a picture of all three of us together... yea not so easy!

Nothing much happens the rest of the afternoon. We wait on daddy to get home... which takes forever sometimes!! 5'0clock rolls around and it's time to clean the house. So I do the usual dust, vacuum, quick mop, wipe down kitchen surfaces, and go to do the dishes. When I look in the sink I see this .....
Notice the diaper?! Then I remember I asked Benjamin earlier to throw away Joshua's diaper I changed. Instead of the garbage can he decided the sink would be a better place for it... silly boy!
Later on me and Joshua are playing on the couch and Benjamin is playing around with toys. I'm trying to get a good photo of Joshua smiling but the little turd quits smiling every time I click the picture. grrrrrr. Benjamin comes up to us with his toy dog on his head and says " oh no mommy where's my puppy?!" This was hilarious to me... but then again i have an odd sense of humor.. I guess it was one of those 'you had to be there' things. So I tell him its on his head. and we do this over and over for about a half an hour, yea super exciting I know!
After all the pictures of Joshua I took I did get a funny one that looks like he has a tooth. He really doesn't, it's just a reflection off of his gums but it's still a cute picture. Dang my kiddos are cute!!!!
I also attempt to get a picture of all three of us together... yea not so easy!
Nothing much happens the rest of the afternoon. We wait on daddy to get home... which takes forever sometimes!! 5'0clock rolls around and it's time to clean the house. So I do the usual dust, vacuum, quick mop, wipe down kitchen surfaces, and go to do the dishes. When I look in the sink I see this .....
So I finish cleaning and our friends arrive for some grilling out. We eat dinner and it was super yums!!! Burgers on the grill, pasta salad, and chips. Typical BBQ food. It's now time for Benjamin to head to bed but he was being such a good that we let him camp out on the couch until he fell asleep.

After the boys are asleep it's adult time woo hoo!!!! We hang out with our friends and have a good time then its bedtime for us. Pretty normal day... nothing too exciting but of course never a dull moment in our household!
After the boys are asleep it's adult time woo hoo!!!! We hang out with our friends and have a good time then its bedtime for us. Pretty normal day... nothing too exciting but of course never a dull moment in our household!
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