Benjamin then decided that Joshua needed his bottle but informed me that it was ennty. Translation: ennty - empty. So I get Joshua a new bottle so Benjamin can feed HIS baby brother.
Poor Joshua is taking a little bit of a beating in the process. Benjamin drops the bottle quite a few times.. but it's still adorable and Joshua didn't seem to mind much.
After Benjamin is done feeding Joshua ( his idea of feeding is like 15 seconds) it's time to play. Benjamin was being so gentle with him, I was sooo proud!

After hours of not much of anything Benjamin decides he needs to fix brothers jumparoo. So he breaks out some little gadget ( im pretty sure it holds his microphone onto his keyboard) and says its his hammer. He hammers away at the toy for a bit and then breaks out the screwdriver. He was sure doing some serious work on the jumeroo! My lil handyman!!!
We all get cozy on the couch and Benjamin decides to smell everyones feet ( I have know idea why). After each time, he makes this face, gags, and says shooooie. It was pretty damn hilarious. Just another one of those 'you had to be there' things.
After hours of not much of anything Benjamin decides he needs to fix brothers jumparoo. So he breaks out some little gadget ( im pretty sure it holds his microphone onto his keyboard) and says its his hammer. He hammers away at the toy for a bit and then breaks out the screwdriver. He was sure doing some serious work on the jumeroo! My lil handyman!!!
After some serious begging I talked my hubs into going and getting my favorite fast food... POPEYES!!!!! I was so lazy I didn't even want to cook dinner. So I was super excited when he actually went and got it.
Mmmmmmmmmm just look at that yummy goodness!!!!
I'm pretty sure he was a little upset that he wasn't getting any Popeyes...
Before we knew it it was dark out and almost bed time. The boys played for just a little bit longer with the jumparoo. By the way Joshua can touch the floor in it now!!! My baby is getting sooo bog!!! : (
Before we could get some new pjs on Ben he was knocked out on the couch. Poor little guy was pooped from a full day of nothing!!!
Joshua was out cold in his jumparoo. My kids can fall asleep anywhere!
So once again nothing to exciting to be told. Just a lazy sunday at home with my boys. Now Ben is comfy cozy in his bed, Joshua is comfy snuggled up to his daddy in bed, and I'm heading there now.
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