Everyone finally decided to get up and out of bed and join me in the living room around 1pm... about time!! Joshua looked well rested! He should be after keeping momma up all night, he got to sleep all morning and afternoon practically.
We didn't have anything planned for the day so Dewayne decided to clean out the garage. This is the before picture. I didn't get to take an after picture because it's still not finished... pretty much what I figured would happen because that garage was a MESS!!!!! So I'm hoping it gets finished tomorrow.
After a long day of nothing it was time to start dinner. I made Kielbasa, rice, and french fries. It was yumms!! I had an audience while making dinner... Joshua watching me on the kitchen counter. Apparently he lalalaloves watching momma!!! It kept him quiet for about 30 mins.
While dinner was cooking Benjamin was fiddling around the house. He came across a pencil and a clothespin and made some sort of contraption out of it. I still have no idea what he was calling it but he sure was having a blasty blast with it! No complaints here because that kept him quiet for a good bit of time. :)

After dinner Dewayne went back to work on the garage some more, Benjamin rode his bike out front a little bit, and Joshua and I hung out on the couch while I checked my email. Uncle Josh stopped by to visit and check his email for a little bit. After Benjamin was done his bike he wanted to play out back with his ball so out back we headed for a little bit. He found two ping pong balls out there and called them his apples. Gotta love my kids imagination!
While me and Ben were outside Joshua was napping inside listening to soundscapes music. I have no idea what he was doing with his hands but it totally reminded me of the 'bend and snap' from legally blonde. 
After Benjamins playtime outside (digging hole sin my yard) and Joshuas nap it was bath time. So I gave Joshua his bath and dewayne gave Benjamin his, that's our usual routine. Joshua had been pretty cranky but as soon as I got him in his tub he was as happy as can be. Benjamin just flat out loves bath time.

After bath time its time to wind down. Benjamin informs me that "he needs a nack" so nacky time it is. Translation: nack - Snack. So Benjamin got his snack and cuppy and settled on the couch to watch some tooneys before bed.
Joshua had his bath and bottle and was spent so he snuggled up to daddy and passed out for the evening!!!
Now both boys are fast asleep, Dewayne is playing his xbox, and I'm messing around on the computer. Off to bed soon... I enjoyed my lazy day!
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